Sunday, August 23, 2009

Preschool Days....

Littlest monkey is starting school tomorrow.

She is so excited (I wouldn't have it any other way). She will be in the same building as both of her sisters. How cool is that? I really don't sense any anxiety from her. She is at or in the school almost every weekday. It is just someplace that her sisters go...and now her.

Her teacher is Mrs. Sherry. We were thrilled to see her at the Open House. The former teacher left for a position at the University. Why were we so happy to see Mrs. Sherry??? She was Katie's pre-school teacher 8 years ago. We loved her. She is so good with the little ones.

What will I do with all of my free time??? Well....this is the first time that I have sent a little one to school when I wasn't expecting a new one...or had a new one on my hip. I will have 3 glorious hours home, 3 mornings a week....not alone. Eric will be around. But perhaps he can get some work done, too.

I will miss the little bug. But she is so attached to me. She needs to branch out...just a little. She still needs her momma. But maybe just a smidge less.

God Bless the little ones...and the grown-ups who teach them. We are entrusting them with our most precious creatures.

Have a great week!

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