Friday, August 8, 2008


Trying to explain to the girls that this won't happen for another 100 years.

Pretty cool.
We just got back from a swimming party for Katie's softball team. It was a good turn out and was hosted at the clubhouse pool of one of the girls' families. Allison couldn't get enough water. Eric was exhausted from toting her around the pool for about an hour. And Emily....well, she could have fun just about anywhere. She is very comfortable with this group of girls. We have known most of the families since the girls were in Kindergarten (some preschool...and one girl we have known since she was born!!!) Hoping that all 3 girls will be plenty pooped out and will sleep well.
This is the weekend of the annual TKE campout. Eric's buddies from college get together and act like they are 20yrs YOUNGER than they are. And most of them, I am sure, spend the whole of next week feeling like they are 20 years OLDER than they are.... ;)
Time to tuck the kiddos in. Yay!!!! Just kidding....a little....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the 8 pics :) thank you for the sweet comment on my blog.

Take care :)