Today has been a pretty good day. We started out rough. Allison had a rough night - with a fever of 103.6 (2nd night in a row). She is taking fluids ok....just not moving too much. I wouldn't be either.
She took a 4hr nap on the couch this morning and woke up like a new kid.
She has played on and off throughout the day. She even sat at the table for dinner. She didn't eat much. Just half of a crescent roll with her beloved butter on it.
I have found that she loves Sprite and will drink it with no problems. That is what I have been giving her most of the day. She isn't quite sure how to take it. She asks and I jump. I am just happy to have her drinking.
Right after coming out of surgery. Poor girl. She had an ice pack to her neck and was "snuggling" her Get Better Buddy that her sisters got for her. GBB and her blankie both accompanied her to the OR.