Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It didn't hurt much.... I am. One year older.

As my birth "moment" occured...I was in the triage unit of the Labor and Delivery unit I work on. I looked at the clock at precisely 1:42 am. That was the time that I was born. Or so my mom says....ha. My rear was kicked last night. I ended up working the unit by myself, for 4-5hours. And it was a bit crazy. But I felt good. I was on my game and the IV's were sliding in like butter. (Only a nurse can appreciate that).

This birthday is just mildly freaking me out. My last 30-something birthday.

All is well. I am well. My family is well.

And I have a surprise cake waiting for me in the oven. I am not supposed to know about it...but my sweet 3yo blabbed the secret to me within seconds of me walking in the front door this morning. She even walked me to the oven and showed me the display.

I will be appropriately surprised when the "surprise" is revealed later this evening.
I am hoping to get some scrapbooking done in the next couple of gift to myself.
***crossing fingers***
Pizza Hut will be delivering my birthday feast this evening. I don't think that a gal should have to cook her own b-day you???
Oh yeah...the cake above? My dream b-day cake. Someday...
Have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday, shmirthday....

Yeah...OK...I am going to have a birthday in less than 24 hours. I will be at work when the moment that I arrived...well...arrived.

I was thinking how cool it might be that I am helping someone deliver her baby at the time that my mom was delivering me. It might be cool.

I am not looking much forward to this b-day. It is a strange milestone. My last 30-something birthday. Time to reflect. What have I accomplished???

Well....At the top of my list?

My marriage to my sweet sweetie Eric. 15+ years now. Crazy. I love him more now than I ever thought that I could when we said "I do". We have had some ups, downs, sharp turns to the left or right. But...we have muddled through together. And that togetherness has given us our next accomplishments...if you want to call them that...

Kathryn, Emily and Allison. Our girls. The girls. The sisters. Big, little and middle. The monkeys. The chicks. Whatever we call them, they are the lights of our lives. Mine and Eric's.

I have also accomplished other things...but they pale in comparison to the above mentioned items. Graduating nursing school, being a nurse and doing/seeing all that I have done/seen...unbelievable to me.

My family and my salvation are at the top of my list. My friends follow a very close second. \

I guess my b-day isn't too bad...Eric will always be older than me....bwahahaha!!!

Seriously...I have been blessed. This I cannot deny. And I remind myself of the blessings everyday.

Take a few minutes to count your blessings....
ps....guess how old I am going to be....